Player Variables Breakdown
1. Animation Settings
- AnimGraph_BankName: Specifies the animation bank used for the player model.
- AnimGraph_GraphName: Determines the primary animation graph assigned to the player.
- AnimGraph_PresetName: Placeholder for animation preset (can be empty).
- AnimGraph_BindNamespace: Sets the animation binding namespace (e.g., "Human").
2. Manual Slow Motion
- ManualSloMoEnabled: Enables/disables slow motion manually (true or false).
- ManualSloMoCooldown: Cooldown time (in seconds) before slow motion can be used again.
3. Wall Running Mechanics
Front Wall Run
- WallRunFrontEnabled: Toggles front wall running (true or false).
- WallRunFrontPeakDelay: Delay before reaching peak height during a front wall run.
- WallRunFrontHeightNitro: Extra height gain when using Nitro during wall runs.
- WallRunFrontHeight: Default height reached during a front wall run.
- WallRunFrontMinAngleToStartAscend: Minimum required angle to begin ascending on a wall.
- WallRunFrontMinYVelToAscend: Minimum vertical velocity needed to start an ascend.
Side Wall Run
- WallRunSideEnabled: Enables side wall running (true or false).
- WallRunSideMinAngleToStart: Minimum angle required to start a side wall run.
- WallRunSideMaxAngleToStart: Maximum angle allowed to start a side wall run.
- WallRunSideNitroSprintSpeedMod: Speed modifier when using Nitro Sprint during a wall run.
- WallRunSideMinDuration: Minimum duration for a side wall run.
- WallRunSideMaxDuration: Maximum time a side wall run can last.
- WallRunSideWithoutNitroTimePenalty: Time penalty if Nitro is not used.
- WallRunSideMinSideInput: Minimum required side input for a side wall run.
- WallrunHoldJumpTime: The duration the jump button needs to be held for a wall run.
Wall Run Speed & Acceleration
- WallRunSideMaxSpeed: Maximum speed while side wall running.
- WallRunSideMinSpeed: Minimum speed required to wall run.
- WallRunSideAcc: Acceleration while wall running.
- WallRunSideDecc: Deceleration when stopping a wall run.
Wall Run Common Settings
- WallRunSloMoDuration: Duration of slow-motion during a wall run.
- WallRunMaxSequence: Maximum number of consecutive wall runs allowed.
- WallRunTimeTolleranceFromSprint: Time allowed for transitioning from a sprint to a wall run.
- WallRunExtraGravityWhenAscending: Additional gravity force applied while ascending in a wall run.
- WallRunMinTimeBetweenWallrun: Minimum delay before starting another wall run.
- WallRunAutoEnter: Enables automatic entry into a wall run if conditions are met.
- WallRunKickEnabled: Enables kicking off walls during a wall run.
4. Wall Jumping Mechanics
Front Wall Jump
- WallJumpFrontEnabled: Enables front wall jumps.
- WallJumpFrontLookForwardEnabled: Forces the player to look forward while wall jumping.
- WallJumpFrontSpeed: Speed applied when jumping off a front wall.
- WallJumpFrontRotateEnabled: Allows rotation while executing a front wall jump.
- WallRunFrontExtraGravityWhenFalling: Extra gravity force when falling from a front wall run.
Side Wall Jump
- WallRunSideJumpForwardMinForwardInput: Minimum required forward input for a side wall jump.
- WallJumpSideEnabled: Enables side wall jumping.
- WallJumpSideSpeed: Speed applied when jumping off a side wall.
- WallRunSideExtraGravityWhenFalling: Additional gravity applied when falling after a side wall jump.
- WallRunSideExtraGravityInEnding: Extra gravity at the end of a side wall run.
5. Look Restrictions
Wall Run Look Restrictions
- WallRunSideLookRestrHorz: Horizontal look restriction during side wall runs.
- WallRunSideThrowLookRestrHorz: Horizontal look restriction when throwing objects while wall running.
- WallJumpSideMoveInputMaxAngle: Maximum movement input angle during wall jumps.
- WallRunFrontLookRestrMinVert: Minimum vertical look restriction during front wall runs.
- WallRunFrontLookRestrHorz: Horizontal look restriction during front wall runs.
Downed Look Restrictions
- DownedLookRestrHorz: Horizontal look restriction when downed.
- DownedLookRestrMaxVert: Maximum vertical look angle when downed.
- DownedLookRestrMinVert: Minimum vertical look angle when downed.
6. Accuracy & Weapon Mechanics
- FirearmsCrossbowAccuracyFactor: Determines crossbow sway and accuracy.
- BowAccuracyFactor: Controls bow sway when aiming.
- FirearmsHarpoonAccuracyFactor: Controls harpoon accuracy.
- BowChargeDamageMul: Multiplier for bow damage when fully charged.
- BowZoomValue: Level of zoom when aiming with a bow.
- BowEnableShootWhileParkouring: Enables shooting while performing parkour moves.
Bow Power Shot Mechanics
- BowPowerShotEnabled: Enables bow power shots.
- BowPowerShotWhileSlidingEnabled: Allows power shots while sliding.
- BowPowerShotPrepareDuration: Time required to charge a power shot.
- BowPowerShotPerfectChargeStartDuration: Time required to reach a perfect charge.
- BowPowerShotPerfectChargeStartDmgMultiplier: Damage multiplier for a perfectly charged shot.
7. Combat Mechanics
General Combat Settings
- MinTimeToGiveCollisionDamage: Minimum time before collision damage can be applied.
- CanMeleeInAir: Allows melee attacks while airborne.
- BowDestroyArrowWhenHit: Determines if arrows are destroyed on impact.
- BowMinReadyTimeToShoot: Minimum time required to be ready for a bow shot.
Melee Combat
- ParryDamageMult: Multiplier for parry damage.
- KickBaseDamageMul: Base damage multiplier for kicks.
- MeleeVerticalPhysicalDamageMul: Multiplier for vertical melee damage.
- MeleeBluntRagdollEveryXHit: Defines the frequency of ragdoll effects from blunt weapons.
Tackle Mechanics
- TackleStaminaUse: Stamina cost per tackle.
- TackleCoolDown: Cooldown time between tackles.
- TackleSprintMinDuration: Minimum sprint duration before a tackle.
8. Health & Regeneration
- MaxHealth: Maximum health value.
- HealthRegenerationEnabled: Enables passive health regeneration.
- HealthRegenerationDelay: Time delay before regeneration begins after damage.
- HealthPerSecond: Rate of health regeneration per second.
- AfterDeathHealthRegenTime: Time required to fully regenerate after respawn.
9. Night XP & Pursuit Bonuses
- NightXPBonus: Multiplier for XP gained during nighttime activities.
- NightExpRequiredDistance: Distance required to earn night XP.
- NightExpRequiredActions: Number of actions needed for night XP rewards.
- NightExpRequiredTime: Time spent at night required to earn XP.
- NightExpSurvivalConstantAward: Constant XP reward for surviving the night.
- NightExpActionsReward: XP reward for performing various actions at night.
- NightExpLootedReward: XP reward for looting items at night.
- NightExpUnspottedReward: XP reward for remaining undetected at night.
- NightExpKillReward: XP reward for killing enemies at night.
- NightExpPbActivatedReward: XP reward for activating a pursuit breaker.
10. Pickups & Inventory
- PickupTriggerCooldown: Time before an object can be picked up again.
- LeftHandDisabled: Disables the use of the left hand.
- LeftHandDisabledClimbAnimSpeed: Animation speed modifier when climbing with one hand.
- InventorySize: Number of inventory slots available.
- ItemsInventorySize: Total number of item slots.
- MaxInventorySize: Maximum number of inventory slots.
- EquipmentSlotsCount: Number of slots for equipping gear.
- VisibleEquipmentSlotsCount: Number of equipment slots shown in the HUD.
- ConsumableSlotsCount: Number of slots for consumables.
- VisibleConsumableSlotsCount: Number of consumable slots displayed in the HUD.
- RestrictedEquipmentSlotsCount: Number of restricted equipment slots (e.g., UV flashlight, binoculars).
- QuickSlotsCount: Maximum number of quick-access weapon slots.
- VisibleQuickSlotsCount: Number of quick slots displayed on the HUD.
- AmmoSlotsCount: Number of available ammo slots.
- StorageAmmoSlotsCount: Ammo slots available in storage.
- StorageEquipmentSlotsCount: Equipment slots available in storage.
- StorageConsumablesSlotsCount: Consumable slots available in storage.
- StorageOtherSlotsCount: Slots for miscellaneous items in storage.
11. Drop Attack Mechanics
- DropAttackEnable: Enables drop attack (true or false).
- DropAttackMinFallHeight: Minimum height required to trigger a drop attack.
- DropAttackSearchRadius: Radius within which enemies can be targeted.
- DropAttackTargetDistance2dMax: Maximum horizontal distance for a drop attack target.
- DropAttackTargetDistanceMin: Minimum target distance for a drop attack.
- DropAttackTargetDistanceMax: Maximum target distance for a drop attack.
- DropAttackMaxAngleToTarget: Maximum angle allowed between the player and target.
- DropAttackShockwaveEnabled: Enables/disables a shockwave effect upon impact.
- DropAttackMaxFallHeight: Maximum fall height for a successful drop attack.
12. Death From Above Mechanics
- DeathFromAboveYDistMax: Maximum vertical distance for executing a "Death From Above" attack.
- DeathFromAboveYDistMin: Minimum vertical distance required for an attack.
- DeathFromAbove2Dist: Distance parameter for alternate executions.
- DeathFromAbove2DistMin: Minimum distance for alternative execution.
- DeathFromAboveExecuteDist: Execution range for "Death From Above" attack.
- DeathFromAboveExecuteTime: Time required to complete the execution.
- DeathFromAboveJumpMinTime: Minimum time before jumping allows an execution.
- DeathFromAboveShockwave: Enables/disables a shockwave effect.
- DeathFromAboveWithItemEnabled: Allows executing "Death From Above" with an item.
- DeathFromAboveJumpAvailable: Enables jumping as part of the execution.
13. Survivor Sense Mechanics
- SurvivorSenseEnabled: Enables survivor sense.
- CanUseSenseWhenMoving: Allows the use of survivor sense while moving.
- SurvivorSenseCooldown: Cooldown time before survivor sense can be used again.
- SurvivorSensePreparationTime: Hold time required before activating survivor sense.
- SurvivorSensePreparationTimeWhenAiming: Hold time required when aiming.
Survivor Sense Visuals
- SurvivorSenseRange: Maximum range of survivor sense.
- SurvivorSenseOpacity: Strength of survivor sense effects (0.0 - 1.0).
- SurvivorSenseWaveDuration: Duration of the survivor sense wave.
- SurvivorSenseIconDuration: Duration that icons remain on screen.
- SurvivorSenseAIDuration: Duration that AI enemies remain highlighted.
Height Detection Settings
- SurvivorSenseAIHeight: Maximum height at which survivor sense detects AI.
- SurvivorSenseAIHeightInterior: AI detection height for indoor environments.
- SurvivorSenseObjectHeight: Maximum height for object detection.
- SurvivorSenseObjectHeightInterior: Object detection height indoors.
Detection Ranges
- SurvivorSenseAIRange: Maximum detection range for AI.
- SurvivorSenseRestingAIRange: Maximum detection range for sleeping AI.
- SurvivorSenseAIIndicatorRange: Range for displaying enemy indicators.
- SurvivorSenseEnemyBehindPlayerMaxDistance: Distance behind player where enemies can be detected.
14. Swimming Mechanics
- SwimMoveSpeed: Default movement speed while swimming.
- SwimSprintSpeed: Speed boost when sprinting in water.
- SwimImpulseSpeed: Impulse speed boost when pushing off.
- SwimStrafeSpeed: Speed when strafing in water.
- SwimAcceleration: Acceleration when moving in water.
- SwimUpAcceleration: Acceleration when swimming upwards.
15. Sprint & Parkour Mechanics
- SprintNitroStartStaminaConsumption: Stamina consumed when activating Nitro Sprint.
- SprintNitroDuration: Duration of Nitro Sprint effect.
- SprintNitroCooldown: Cooldown before Nitro Sprint can be used again.
- MoveSlopeSpeed: Speed modifier when running on slopes.
- AutoSlopeAddSpeed: Speed automatically added when running downhill.
- AdvancedParkourAutoSlopeAddSpeed: Enhanced speed bonus for advanced parkour.
- MinTimeBetweenJumps: Minimum delay between jumps.
16. Camera & Look Sensitivity
- LookVertSpeed_Pad: Vertical look speed for controllers.
- LookHorzSpeed_Pad: Horizontal look speed for controllers.
- LookVertAcc_Pad: Vertical acceleration when looking.
- LookHorzAcc_Pad: Horizontal acceleration when looking.
- LookVertDec_Pad: Vertical deceleration when stopping movement.
- LookHorzDec_Pad: Horizontal deceleration when stopping movement.
- LookVertSpeed_Mouse: Vertical look speed for mouse users.
- LookHorzSpeed_Mouse: Horizontal look speed for mouse users.
- LookVertAcc_Mouse: Vertical acceleration for mouse input.
- LookHorzAcc_Mouse: Horizontal acceleration for mouse input.
17. Jumping & Landing Mechanics
- JumpRetryTime: Time window in which a jump input is retried.
- JumpTapTime: Minimum time required for a jump tap to register.
- HoldJumpHeight: Maximum height achieved when holding the jump button.
- NormalHoldJumpTime: Hold time required for a normal jump.
- AdvancedParkourNormalHoldJumpTime: Hold time required for advanced parkour jumps.
- MonkeyBarHoldJumpTime: Hold time required when jumping from a monkey bar.
- RopeHoldJumpTime: Hold time required when jumping from a rope.
- NormalJumpHeight: Height of a standard jump.
- AdvancedParkourNormalJumpHeight: Height of a standard jump with advanced parkour enabled.
- DoubleJumpHeight: Height of a double jump.
- FarJumpHeight: Height of a far jump.
- FarJumpAvailable: Enables far jump ability.
- FarJumpTackleMaxHeightDiff: Maximum height difference allowed for a far jump tackle.
- FarJumpTackleMinDistanceToActivate: Minimum distance required to activate a far jump tackle.
- LandOnAiMinFallHeight: Minimum fall height needed to land on an AI.
Jump Rotation & Landing Control
- JumpRotateAvailable: Enables jump rotation.
- BlockClimbAfterRotateDuration: Time after jump rotation before climbing is blocked.
- JumpHeightFromLookMaxAdd: Maximum additional height based on look direction.
- JumpHeightFromLookMinAngle: Minimum look angle for height increase.
- JumpHeightFromLookMaxAngle: Maximum look angle for height increase.
- JumpOnHeight: Height required to perform a jump-on maneuver.
- FarAndDoubleJumpMaxDist: Maximum distance for far and double jumps.
- FarAndDoubleJumpMinDist: Minimum distance for far and double jumps.
18. Climbing & Hanging Mechanics
Hang & Shimmy
- AngleToReleaseHand: Angle at which the player releases from a ledge.
- AngleToPutBackHand: Angle at which the player can put their hand back on a ledge.
- AngleToChangeHands: Angle required to switch hands when hanging.
- AllowToJumpSoonerFromEdge: Enables early jump from edges.
- ShimmyUpRange: Distance required to shimmy up.
- ShimmyDownRange: Distance required to shimmy down.
- ShimmyBackwardRange: Distance required to shimmy backward.
- ShimmyForwardRange: Distance required to shimmy forward.
- ShimmyFakeJumpFrwdRange: Distance required for a fake jump while shimmying.
- ShimmySideRange: Distance required for a side shimmy.
- LadderToShimmySideRange: Distance required for transitioning from a ladder to a shimmy.
- ShimmyVertSideRange: Vertical distance for shimmy movement.
- ShimmyAngleTollerance: Maximum angle deviation allowed during a shimmy.
- ShimmyBestRange: Optimal range for smooth shimmy movement.
- ShimmyTurnSideRange: Distance required to turn while shimmying.
- ShimmyTurnUpAndDownRange: Distance required to turn up or down while shimmying.
- ShimmyLookMoveDeadZoneVertUp: Vertical look dead zone when moving up.
- ShimmyLookMoveDeadZoneVertDown: Vertical look dead zone when moving down.
- ShimmyLookMoveDeadZoneHorz: Horizontal look dead zone when moving sideways.
- ShimmyJumpAssistDuration: Duration of assisted jumps during shimmying.
- ShimmyFakeJumpStaminaCostMinDist: Minimum stamina cost for fake jumps.
- ShimmyFakeJumpStaminaCostDrain: Stamina drain rate for fake jumps.
- ShimmyLookAngleToBreakShimmy: Look angle that causes the player to drop from a shimmy.
19. Grappling Hook Mechanics
- CanUseHook: Enables/disables the grappling hook.
- GrapplePullToEnemyEnabled: Allows pulling the player toward an enemy.
- GrappleHookLevel: Level required to unlock the grappling hook.
- GraplePullRange: Maximum range of the grappling hook pull.
- GraplePullStaminaCost: Stamina cost for grappling hook pull.
- GraplePullVelMin: Minimum velocity when pulling.
- GraplePullVelMid: Mid-level velocity when pulling.
- GraplePullVelMax: Maximum velocity when pulling.
- GraplePullJumpHeightMin: Minimum jump height when grappling.
- GraplePullJumpHeightMid: Mid-level jump height when grappling.
- GraplePullJumpHeightMax: Maximum jump height when grappling.
- GraplePullMinAngle: Minimum angle required to pull.
- GraplePullMidAngle: Mid-level angle for grappling.
- GraplePullMaxAngle: Maximum angle for grappling.
- GraplePullScaleDownFactor: Factor affecting scaling during grappling.
- GraplePullExtraGravityOnPull: Additional gravity applied when grappling.
20. Miscellaneous
- ImmortalityBuff: Enables player immortality.
- NightVisionEnabled: Enables night vision.
- CameraDefaultFOV: Default field of view.
- HealingMovementSpeedMul: Speed multiplier while healing.
- ThrownWeaponStickChance: Probability of thrown weapons sticking to surfaces.
- CraftItemsEnabled: Allows crafting of items.
- CraftWeaponsEnabled: Allows crafting of weapons.
- MoveForwardMinSpeed: Minimum forward movement speed.
- MoveForwardMaxSpeed: Maximum forward movement speed.
- MoveBackwardMinSpeed: Minimum backward movement speed.
- MoveBackwardMaxSpeed: Maximum backward movement speed.
- MoveStrafeMinSpeed: Minimum strafe movement speed.
- MoveStrafeMaxSpeed: Maximum strafe movement speed.
- MoveSprintMinSpeed: Minimum sprint speed.
- MoveSprintSpeed: Maximum sprint speed.
- MoveAcceleration: Rate of acceleration for movement.
- MoveDeceleration: Rate of deceleration when stopping.
21. Blocking & Shield Mechanics
- CanBlockPowerAttackWith2HandedHeavy: Allows blocking power attacks with heavy weapons.
- ShieldEnabled: Enables shield usage.
- StaminaCooldownAfterBlock: Stamina cooldown after blocking.
- BrokenBlockDamageMul: Damage multiplier for blocking a broken attack.
- PowerAttackShieldBlockDamageMul: Damage multiplier when blocking a power attack.
- BrokenBlockPhysicsDamageMul: Physics damage multiplier when blocking.
- BlockLightAttackStaminaCost: Stamina cost for blocking light attacks.
- BlockHeavyAttackStaminaCost: Stamina cost for blocking heavy attacks.
- BlockWithHeavyWeaponStaminaMul: Stamina multiplier for blocking with heavy weapons.
- BlockWithLightWeaponStaminaMul: Stamina multiplier for blocking with light weapons.
- BlockStaminaRegenEnabled: Enables stamina regeneration while blocking.
- BlockStaminaRegenFactor: Stamina regeneration rate while blocking.
- BlockLightAttackPushBack: Push-back effect of blocking light attacks.
- BlockHeavyAttackPushBack: Push-back effect of blocking heavy attacks.
- BlockPushRange: Range of a push when blocking.
- BlockPushHalfAngle: Half-angle coverage for blocking push.
- BlockPushStaminaRecoverAmount: Amount of stamina recovered after a successful block.