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Player variables editing guide

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This file contains a script that defines various player parameters in the game Dying Light 2.


AnimGraph_BankName: The name of the animation graph bank.
AnimGraph_GraphName: The name of the animation graph.
AnimGraph_PresetName: The name of the animation graph preset.
AnimGraph_BindNamespace: The namespace to bind the animation graph to.


ManualSloMoEnabled: Whether manual slow motion is enabled.
ManualSloMoCooldown: The cooldown time for manual slow motion.
WallRunFrontEnabled: Whether wall running on the front is enabled.
WallRunFrontPeakDelay: The delay before reaching the peak of a front wall run.
WallRunFrontHeightNitro: The height the player can reach when wall running on the front with nitro.
WallRunFrontHeight: The height the player can reach when wall running on the front without nitro.
WallRunFrontMinAngleToStartAscend: The minimum angle to start ascending during a front wall run.
WallRunFrontMinYVelToAscend: The minimum vertical velocity to start ascending during a front wall run.
WallRunSideEnabled: Whether wall running on the side is enabled.
WallRunSideMinAngleToStart: The minimum angle to start a side wall run.
WallRunSideMaxAngleToStart: The maximum angle to start a side wall run.
WallRunSideNitroSprintSpeedMod: The speed modifier for side wall running with nitro.
WallRunSideMinDuration: The minimum duration of a side wall run.
WallRunSideMaxDuration: The maximum duration of a side wall run.
WallRunSideWithoutNitroTimePenalty: The time penalty for side wall running without nitro.
WallRunSideMinSideInput: The minimum side input required to start a side wall run.
WallrunHoldJumpTime: The time the player needs to hold the jump button to perform a wall run.
WallRunSideMaxSpeed: The maximum speed of a side wall run.
WallRunSideMinSpeed: The minimum speed of a side wall run.
WallRunSideAcc: The acceleration of a side wall run.
WallRunSideDecc: The deceleration of a side wall run.
WallRunSloMoDuration: The duration of slow motion during a wall run.
WallRunMaxSequence: The maximum number of wall runs that can be chained together.
WallRunTimeTolleranceFromSprint: The time tolerance between a sprint and a wall run.
WallRunExtraGravityWhenAscending: The extra gravity applied when ascending during a wall run.
WallRunMinTimeBetweenWallrun: The minimum time between wall runs.
WallRunAutoEnter: Whether wall runs are automatically entered.
WallRunKickEnabled: Whether the wall run kick is enabled.
WallJumpFrontEnabled: Whether wall jumping on the front is enabled.
WallJumpFrontLookForwardEnabled: Whether the player needs to look forward to wall jump on the front.
WallJumpFrontSpeed: The speed of a front wall jump.
WallJumpFrontRotateEnabled: Whether the player can rotate during a front wall jump.
WallRunFrontExtraGravityWhenFalling: The extra gravity applied when falling during a front wall run.
WallRunSideJumpForwardMinForwardInput: The minimum forward input required to jump forward during a side wall run.
WallJumpSideEnabled: Whether wall jumping on the side is enabled.
WallJumpSideSpeed: The speed of a side wall jump.
WallRunSideExtraGravityWhenFalling: The extra gravity applied when falling during a side wall run.
WallRunSideExtraGravityInEnding: The extra gravity applied when ending a side wall run.
WallRunSideLookRestrHorz: The horizontal look restriction during a side wall run.
WallRunSideThrowLookRestrHorz: The horizontal look restriction when throwing during a side wall run.
WallJumpSideMoveInputMaxAngle: The maximum angle of the move input during a side wall jump.
WallRunFrontLookRestrMinVert: The minimum vertical look restriction during a front wall run.
WallRunFrontLookRestrHorz: The horizontal look restriction during a front wall run.
DownedLookRestrHorz: The horizontal look restriction when downed.
DownedLookRestrMaxVert: The maximum vertical look restriction when downed.
DownedLookRestrMinVert: The minimum vertical look restriction when downed.
MoveSlopeSpeed: The movement speed on slopes.
AutoSlopeAddSpeed: The additional speed applied when auto-sloping.
AdvancedParkourAutoSlopeAddSpeed: The additional speed applied when auto-sloping with advanced parkour enabled.
SlopeMaxVelStruggle: The maximum velocity at which the player can struggle on a slope.
AllowSlopeStruggle: Whether the player is allowed to struggle on a slope.
AutoSlopeStruggle: Whether auto-slope struggle is enabled.
PoleWantedPositionTime: The time it takes to reach the wanted position on a pole.
PoleWantedPositionTimeBegin: The time it takes to reach the wanted position on a pole at the beginning.
PoleMinStartSpeed: The minimum speed required to start using a pole.
PoleOffset: The offset from the pole.
PoleAddOffset: The additional offset from the pole.
PoleInertia: The inertia of the pole.
PoleAngleMultiplier: The multiplier for the pole angle.
PoleAngleUpdateTime: The time it takes to update the pole angle.
PoleHandInfluenceBegin: The influence of the hand on the pole at the beginning.
PoleMoveTime: The time it takes to move on the pole.
PoleMoveWait: The wait time before moving on the pole.
CanStandOnMonkeyBar: Whether the player can stand on a monkey bar.
MonkeyBarChangeRangeY: The vertical range for changing monkey bars.
MonkeyBarChangeRange2D: The 2D range for changing monkey bars.
SprintExhausted: Whether the player can sprint when exhausted.
ExhaustedMoveMaxSpeedFactor: The maximum speed factor when exhausted.
MoveSprintStaminaConsumption: The stamina consumption for sprinting.
MoveSpeedFitnessFactor: The fitness factor for movement speed.
MoveSpeedFitnessFactorTime: The time it takes for the movement speed fitness factor to take effect.
ZipLineMinSpeed: The minimum speed on a zipline.
ZipLineMaxSpeed: The maximum speed on a zipline.
ZipLineAcceleration: The acceleration on a zipline.
ZipLineMaxAcceleratedSpeed: The maximum accelerated speed on a zipline.
ZipLineAboveSlideEnabled: Whether sliding is enabled above the zipline.
SwimMoveSpeed: The movement speed when swimming.
SwimSprintSpeed: The sprint speed when swimming.
SwimImpulsSpeed: The impulse speed when swimming.
SwimStrafeSpeed: The strafe speed when swimming.
SwimAcceleration: The acceleration when swimming.
SwimUpAcceleration: The upward acceleration when swimming.
SprintEffects: Whether sprint effects are enabled.
SprintEffectsInPGandRG: Whether sprint effects are enabled in paragliding and rope gliding.
SprintWithoutInput: Whether sprinting is possible without input.
SprintNitroAcceleration: The acceleration when using nitro sprint.
SprintNitroFovMul: The FOV multiplier when using nitro sprint.
SprintNitroMaxSpeedAdd: The maximum speed added when using nitro sprint.
SprintAutoStartTime: The time it takes to automatically start sprinting.
SprintNitroAccelerationSlowdownMod: The slowdown modifier for sprint nitro acceleration.
MoveForwardMinSpeed: The minimum forward movement speed.
MoveForwardMaxSpeed: The maximum forward movement speed.
MoveBackwardMinSpeed: The minimum backward movement speed.
MoveBackwardMaxSpeed: The maximum backward movement speed.
MoveStrafeMinSpeed: The minimum strafe movement speed.
MoveStrafeMaxSpeed: The maximum strafe movement speed.
MoveSprintMinSpeed: The minimum sprint movement speed.
MoveSprintSpeed: The sprint movement speed.
MoveAcceleration: The movement acceleration.
MoveAccelerationInAttackRest: The movement acceleration when attacking from rest.
MoveSprintMinAcceleration: The minimum sprint movement acceleration.
MoveSprintAcceleration: The sprint movement acceleration.
MoveDeceleration: The movement deceleration.
MoveGlideDownMaxSpeed: The maximum downward gliding speed.
MoveGlideDownDeceleration: The downward gliding deceleration.


FirearmsCrossbowAccuracyFactor: The accuracy factor for the crossbow.
BowAccuracyFactor: The accuracy factor for the bow.
FirearmsHarpoonAccuracyFactor: The accuracy factor for the harpoon.
MinTimeToGiveCollisionDamage: The minimum time between giving collision damage.
CanMeleeInAir: Whether the player can melee in the air.
BowBeginDurationFactor: The duration factor for the beginning of a bow shot.
BowMaxSpeedFactor: The speed factor for the maximum speed of a bow shot.
BowPenetrationAddMaxSpeed: Whether to add maximum speed to a bow shot for penetration.
BowStaminaShoot: The stamina cost for shooting the bow.
BowStaminaChargingPerSecond: The stamina cost per second for charging the bow.
BowChargeDamageMul: The damage multiplier for a charged bow shot.
BowZoomValue: The zoom value for the bow.
BowZoomUpTime: The time it takes to zoom in with the bow.
BowZoomDownTime: The time it takes to zoom out with the bow.
BowEnableShootWhileParkouring: Whether the player can shoot the bow while parkouring.
BowEnableSlowMoShootWhileParkouring: Whether slow motion is enabled when shooting the bow while parkouring.
BowSwayAmplitudeFactor: The amplitude factor for the bow sway.
BowSwayPosTime: The time it takes for the bow sway to reach its maximum position.
BowPutArrowDuration: The duration of the animation for putting an arrow on the bow.
BowAllowShootZoomFactor: The zoom factor allowed when shooting the bow.
BowPenetrationEnabled: Whether bow penetration is enabled.
BowDestroyArrowWhenHit: Whether to destroy the arrow when it hits something.
BowMinReadyTimeToShoot: The minimum ready time to shoot the bow.
BowAutoZoomTime: The time it takes to automatically zoom in with the bow.
BowZoomEnabled: Whether bow zoom is enabled.
BowSlowMoTimeMul: The time multiplier for slow motion when using the bow.
BowSlowMoAccuracyMul: The accuracy multiplier for slow motion when using the bow.
SlowMoDurationToCancel: The duration of slow motion before it can be canceled.
BowMaxThrowFactor: The maximum throw factor for the bow.
BowAutoReleaseTime: The time it takes to automatically release the bow.
BowMultiShotMinTimeToActivate: The minimum time to activate multi-shot with the bow.
BowEnableDamageScalingByForce: Whether to enable damage scaling by force for the bow.
BowPowerShotEnabled: Whether the bow power shot is enabled.
BowPowerShotWhileSlidingEnabled: Whether the bow power shot can be used while sliding.
BowPowerShotPrepareDuration: The duration of the preparation phase for the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotPrepareDmgMultiplier: The damage multiplier for the preparation phase of the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotChargeStartDuration: The duration of the charge start phase for the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotChargeStartDmgMultiplier: The damage multiplier for the charge start phase of the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotPerfectChargeStartDuration: The duration of the perfect charge start phase for the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotPerfectChargeStartDmgMultiplier: The damage multiplier for the perfect charge start phase of the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotPerfectChargeDuration: The duration of the perfect charge phase for the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotPerfectChargeDmgMultiplier: The damage multiplier for the perfect charge phase of the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotOverchargeStartDuration: The duration of the overcharge start phase for the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotOverchargeStartDmgMultiplier: The damage multiplier for the overcharge start phase of the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotOverchargeDuration: The duration of the overcharge phase for the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotOverchargeDmgMultiplier: The damage multiplier for the overcharge phase of the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotAbortDuration: The duration of the abort phase for the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotAbortDmgMultiplier: The damage multiplier for the abort phase of the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotChargeStartBlurValue: The blur value for the charge start phase of the bow power shot.
BowPowerShotPerfectChargeBlurValue: The blur value for the perfect charge phase of the bow power shot.
ArrowsCanBePickedUp: Whether arrows can be picked up.
StrengthDamageMul: The damage multiplier for strength.
MeleeDamageMul: The damage multiplier for melee attacks.
PeacekeeperBeerRamDamageMul: The damage multiplier for the Peacekeeper beer ram attack.
MeleeDamageFullStaminaMul: The damage multiplier for melee attacks with full stamina.
MeleeDamageLowStaminaMul: The damage multiplier for melee attacks with low stamina.
MeleeDamageFastHitMul: The damage multiplier for fast melee hits.
MeleeDamageFullHealthMul: The damage multiplier for melee attacks with full health.
MeleeDamageLowHealthMul: The damage multiplier for melee attacks with low health.
MeleeLowStaminaForceAndPhxMul: The force and physics damage multiplier for melee attacks with low stamina.
KickBaseDamageMul: The base damage multiplier for kicks.
MeleeVerticalPhysicalDamageMul: The vertical physical damage multiplier for melee attacks.
MeleeBluntRagdollEveryXHit: The number of hits required to ragdoll an enemy with a blunt melee weapon.
KickStaminaUsage: The stamina usage for kicks.
WrestlingKickRangeMul: The range multiplier for the wrestling kick.
WrestlingKickStaminaUsage: The stamina usage for the wrestling kick.
WrestlingKickCooldown: The cooldown time for the wrestling kick.
AirKickBaseDamageMul: The base damage multiplier for air kicks.
AirKickPhysicsDamage: The physics damage multiplier for air kicks.
AirKickRangeMul: The range multiplier for air kicks.
AirKickStaminaUsage: The stamina usage for air kicks.
RangeMeleeMul: The range multiplier for melee attacks.
MaxVerticalAngleForRangeMeleeCorrection: The maximum vertical angle for range melee correction.
FirearmsPistolReloadTimeMul: The reload time multiplier for pistols.
FirearmsRevolverReloadTimeMul: The reload time multiplier for revolvers.
FirearmsRifleReloadTimeMul: The reload time multiplier for rifles.
FirearmsShotgunReloadTimeMul: The reload time multiplier for shotguns.
FirearmsPistolAccuracyFactor: The accuracy factor for pistols.
FirearmsRevolverAccuracyFactor: The accuracy factor for revolvers.
FirearmsRifleAccuracyFactor: The accuracy factor for rifles.
FirearmsShotgunAccuracyFactor: The accuracy factor for shotguns.
FirearmsPistolRecoilFactor: The recoil factor for pistols.
FirearmsRevolverRecoilFactor: The recoil factor for revolvers.
FirearmsRifleRecoilFactor: The recoil factor for rifles.
FirearmsShotgunRecoilFactor: The recoil factor for shotguns.
FirearmsAutoZoomTime: The time for automatically zooming in with firearms.
FirearmsZoomEnabled: Whether zooming is enabled for firearms.
FirearmsPowerShotTime: The time for the firearms power shot.
FirearmsMultiShotMinTimeToActivate: The minimum time to activate multi-shot with firearms.
FirearmEnableSlowMoShootWhileParkouring: Whether slow motion is enabled when shooting firearms while parkouring.
FirearmsParkourSlomoAutomaticFireMaxShots: The maximum number of shots allowed in slow motion when shooting firearms while parkouring.
ThrownWeaponStickChance: The chance of a thrown weapon sticking.
StunDuration: The duration of the stun effect.
CanBlockPowerAttackWith2HandedHeavy: Whether power attacks can be blocked with a two-handed heavy weapon.
BrokenBlockDamageMul: The damage multiplier for a broken block.
PowerAttackShieldBlockDamageMul: The damage multiplier for blocking a power attack with a shield.
BrokenBlockPhysicsDamageMul: The physics damage multiplier for a broken block.

Items and Inventory

ChemicalPostProcesFadeOut: The fade out time for the chemical post-processing effect.
ChemicalPostProcesFadeIn: The fade in time for the chemical post-processing effect.
ChemicalDamageDuration: The duration of chemical damage.
ChemicalDamagePerSecond: The amount of chemical damage per second.
WQ_Invert_CamoDelay: The delay before the invert camouflage effect is applied.
WQ_Invert_CamoDuration: The duration of the invert camouflage effect.
WQ_Invert_Delay: The delay before the invert effect is applied.
WQ_Invert_Duration: The duration of the invert effect.
FallHeightToActivateChemicals: The fall height required to activate chemicals.
ChokeCoughDuration: The duration of the choke cough effect.
ChokeCoughTimeBetweenNoise: The time between choke cough noises.
WQ_SlowMo_CamoDelay: The delay before the slow motion camouflage effect is applied.
WQ_SlowMo_CamoDuration: The duration of the slow motion camouflage effect.
WQ_SlowMo_Delay: The delay before the slow motion effect is applied.
WQ_SlowMo_Duration: The duration of the slow motion effect.
WQ_Rot_CamoDelay: The delay before the rotation camouflage effect is applied.
WQ_Rot_CamoDuration: The duration of the rotation camouflage effect.
WQ_Rot_Delay: The delay before the rotation effect is applied.
WQ_Rot_Duration: The duration of the rotation effect.
UnlockedLoadoutsCount: The number of unlocked loadouts.
EquipmentSlotsCount: The number of equipment slots.
VisibleEquipmentSlotsCount: The number of visible equipment slots.
ConsumableSlotsCount: The number of consumable slots.
VisibleConsumableSlotsCount: The number of visible consumable slots.
RestrictedEquipmentSlotsCount: The number of restricted equipment slots.
QuickSlotsCount: The number of quick slots.
VisibleQuickSlotsCount: The number of visible quick slots.
InventorySize: The size of the inventory.
ItemsInventorySize: The size of the items inventory.
MaxInventorySize: The maximum size of the inventory.
AmmoSlotsCount: The number of ammo slots.
StorageAmmoSlotsCount: The number of ammo slots in storage.
StorageEquipmentSlotsCount: The number of equipment slots in storage.
StorageConsumablesSlotsCount: The number of consumable slots in storage.
StorageOtherSlotsCount: The number of other slots in storage.

Player Attributes

HitReactionSpeechProb: The probability of a hit reaction speech event occurring.
PursuitBreakerBlastDamage: The amount of damage dealt by the pursuit breaker blast.
NightXPBonus: The bonus XP multiplier for actions performed at night.
NightExpRequiredDistance: The distance required to earn night XP.
NightExpRequiredActions: The number of actions required to earn night XP.
NightExpRequiredTime: The time required to earn night XP.
NightExpSurvivalConstantAward: The constant XP award for surviving the night.
NightExpActionsReward: The XP reward for performing actions at night.
NightExpLootedReward: The XP reward for looting at night.
NightExpUnspotedReward: The XP reward for remaining undetected at night.
NightExpKillReward: The XP reward for killing enemies at night.
NightExpPbActivatedReward: The XP reward for activating the pursuit breaker at night.
PickupTriggerCooldown: The cooldown time for the pickup trigger.
LeftHandDisabled: Whether the left hand is disabled.
LeftHandDisabledClimbAnimSpeed: The animation speed for climbing with the left hand disabled.
MaxStamina: The maximum stamina level.
MaxStaminaMultiplier: The multiplier for the maximum stamina level.
MaxStaminaMinRegenerationTime: The minimum regeneration time for maximum stamina.
MaxStaminaMaxRegenerationTime: The maximum regeneration time for maximum stamina.
MaxStaminaTimeToRegenerate: The time it takes to regenerate maximum stamina.
MaxStaminaDrainFactor: The drain factor for maximum stamina.
MaxStaminaDrainEnabled: Whether maximum stamina drain is enabled.
StaminaMovementDrainFactor: The drain factor for stamina movement.
MinStaminaLevelFromHit: The minimum stamina level after being hit.
StaminaTimeToRegenerateOnEmpty: The time it takes to regenerate stamina when empty.
AdvancedStaminaTimeToRegenerateOnEmpty: The time it takes to regenerate stamina when empty with advanced stamina enabled.
StaminaTimeToRegenerateOnEmptyAfterParokur: The time it takes to regenerate stamina when empty after parkour.
StaminaTimeToRegenerate: The time it takes to regenerate stamina when not empty.
AdvancedStaminaTimeToRegenerate: The time it takes to regenerate stamina when not empty with advanced stamina enabled.
StaminaTimeToRegenerateAfterParkour: The time it takes to regenerate stamina when not empty after parkour.
StaminaRegeneration: The rate at which stamina regenerates.
StaminaRegenerationOutsideDanger: The rate at which stamina regenerates outside of danger.
StaminaRegenerationRelative: The relative stamina regeneration rate.
StaminaRegenerationRelativeOutsideDanger: The relative stamina regeneration rate outside of danger.
StaminaRegenerationRelativeEnabled: Whether relative stamina regeneration is enabled.
StaminaRegenerationRelativeForAllWeapons: Whether relative stamina regeneration is enabled for all weapons.
StaminaRegenerationFactorSlow: The stamina regeneration factor when running or on a ladder.
StaminaRegenerationFactorStand: The stamina regeneration factor when standing still.
StaminaRegenerationFactorStandDalay: The delay before the stamina regeneration factor when standing still is applied.
AdvancedStamina: Whether advanced stamina is enabled.
AdvancedStaminaRegenerationRelative: The relative stamina regeneration rate with advanced stamina enabled.
AdvancedStaminaRegenerationRelativeOutsideDanger: The relative stamina regeneration rate outside of danger with advanced stamina enabled.
StaminaRegenerationExhaustedRelative: The relative stamina regeneration rate when exhausted.
StaminaRegenerationExhaustedRelativeOutsideDanger: The relative stamina regeneration rate when exhausted outside of danger.
AdvancedStaminaEmptyHitStaminaFactor: The stamina factor for hits when empty with advanced stamina enabled.
ExtraJumpsInAir: The number of extra jumps in the air.
HealthRegenerationOnHit: The amount of health regenerated on hit.
HealthRegenerationFactorOnHit: The health regeneration factor on hit.
StaminaCanFullyDrain: Whether stamina can fully drain.
StaminaWarningLevel: The stamina level at which a warning is displayed.
ParryDamageMult: The damage multiplier for parrying.
VulnerableHumanGrabStaminaRecover: The amount of stamina recovered when hit by a human grab attack.
MaxHealth: The maximum health value.
MaxHealthTotalMul: The multiplier for the maximum health value.
HealthRegenerationEnabled: Whether health regeneration is enabled.
HealthAutoHealEnabled: Whether automatic health healing is enabled.
LowHealthEffectThreshold: The health threshold at which the low health effect is triggered.
FullHealthEffectThreshold: The health threshold at which the full health effect is triggered.
HealthRegenerationDelay: The delay before health regeneration starts.
HealthPerSecond: The amount of health regenerated per second.
AfterDeathHealthRegenTime: The time it takes to regenerate health after death.
AfterDeathHealthFactor: The factor for health regeneration after death.


SurvivalSenseEnabled: Whether survivor sense is enabled.
CanUseSenseWhenMoving: Whether survivor sense can be used while moving.
SurvivorSenseCooldown: The cooldown time for survivor sense.
SurvivorSensePreparationTime: The preparation time for survivor sense.
SurvivorSensePreparationTimeWhenAiming: The preparation time for survivor sense when aiming.
SurvivorSenseRange: The range of survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseOpacity: The opacity of the survivor sense effect.
SurvivorSenseWaveDuration: The duration of the survivor sense wave.
SurvivorSenseIconDuration: The duration of the survivor sense icons.
SurvivorSenseAIDuration: The duration of the survivor sense AI highlighting.
SurvivorSenseAIHeight: The height at which AIs are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseAIHeightInterior: The height at which AIs are detected by survivor sense when they are in an interior.
SurvivorSenseObjectHeight: The height at which objects are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseObjectHeightInterior: The height at which objects are detected by survivor sense when they are in an interior.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Default: The range at which default icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_None: The range at which icons with no type are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Fire: The range at which fire icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Damage: The range at which damage icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Water: The range at which water icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Loot: The range at which loot icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Electricity: The range at which electricity icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Decoy: The range at which decoy icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Spawner: The range at which spawner icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Inhibitor: The range at which inhibitor icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_AreaEntrance: The range at which area entrance icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_Investigation: The range at which investigation icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRange_IconType_HideArea: The range at which hide area icons are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseAIRange: The range at which active AIs are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseRestingAIRange: The range at which resting AIs are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseAIIndicatorRange: The range at which AI indicators are shown.
SurvivorSenseEnemyBehindPlayerMaxDistance: The maximum distance at which enemies behind the player are detected by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseHeavyAttacks: Whether heavy attacks are highlighted by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseHeavyAttacksMaxRange: The maximum range at which heavy attacks are highlighted by survivor sense.
SurvivorSenseHeavyAttacksDuration: The duration of the heavy attack highlighting effect.
SurvivorSenseHeavyAttacksPreset: The preset used for the heavy attack highlighting effect.
GhostTriggerSearchRadius: The search radius for the ghost trigger.
EnemyBehindPlayerMaxDistance: The maximum distance at which enemies behind the player are detected.
BinocularsLevel: The level of the binoculars.
BinocularMaxTempMarkedLocations: The maximum number of locations that can be temporarily marked with the binoculars.
BinocularTempMarkDuration: The duration of the temporary marks made with the binoculars.
GREDetectorWithoutFacility: Whether the GRE detector can be used without a facility.
GREDetectorRange: The range of the GRE detector.
GREDetectionLevel: The level of the GRE detector.
GREDetectorRangeNearby: The range at which the GRE detector will show nearby objects.
GREDetectorRange3DIndication: The range at which the GRE detector will show 3D indications.
GREDetectorRangeFoundTollerance: The tolerance for the GRE detector when finding objects.
FirearmsDecoderDetector: Whether the firearms decoder detector is enabled.
FirearmsDecoderDetectorRange: The range of the firearms decoder detector.
FirearmsDecoderDetectorRangeNearby: The range at which the firearms decoder detector will show nearby objects.
FirearmsDecoderDetector3DIndication: The range at which the firearms decoder detector will show 3D indications.
FirearmsDecoderDetectorRangeTolerance: The tolerance for the firearms decoder detector when finding objects.
UVFlashlightLevel: The level of the UV flashlight.
HarvestingLevel: The level of the harvesting skill.
HarvestingLevelForMultipleItems: The level of the harvesting skill required to get multiple items.
HarvestingMultipleItemsCount: The number of items that can be harvested at once.
GrabExpert: Whether the player is a grab expert.
FastGrabBreakLevel: The level of the fast grab break skill.
StompLevel: The level of the stomp attack.
GrappleHookLevel: The level of the grapple hook.
LockpickLevel: The level of the lockpicking skill.
LockpickBreakLevel: The level of the lockpick break skill.
NaturalMovementActionLevel: The level of the natural movement action.
CubeKeyLevel: The level of the cube key.


FlashlightRangeFactorChangeSpeed: The speed at which the flashlight range factor changes.
FlashlightRangeFactorChangeTime: The time it takes for the flashlight range factor to change.
FovSprintModif: The FOV modifier when sprinting.
SplatsEnabled: Whether splats are enabled.
ExhastedPPEnabled: Whether the exhausted post-processing effect is enabled.
HeadBobFactor: The factor for head bobbing.
AmortizerJumpHelpTimer: The timer for the amortizer jump helper.
CableMaxLength: The maximum length of the cable.
SpeedFxEnabled: Whether speed effects are enabled.
SpeedPPEnabled: Whether the speed post-processing effect is enabled.
ElementalTimeDuration: The duration of the elemental time effect.
BulletAccuracyFactor: The accuracy factor for bullets.
SwimMoveSpeed: The movement speed when swimming.
SwimSprintSpeed: The sprint speed when swimming.
SwimImpulsSpeed: The impulse speed when swimming.
SwimStrafeSpeed: The strafe speed when swimming.
SwimAcceleration: The acceleration when swimming.
SwimUpAcceleration: The upward acceleration when swimming.
SprintEffects: Whether sprint effects are enabled.
SprintEffectsInPGandRG: Whether sprint effects are enabled in paragliding and rope gliding.
SprintWithoutInput: Whether sprinting is possible without input.
SprintNitroAcceleration: The acceleration when using nitro sprint.
SprintNitroFovMul: The FOV multiplier when using nitro sprint.
SprintNitroMaxSpeedAdd: The maximum speed added when using nitro sprint.
SprintAutoStartTime: The time it takes to automatically start sprinting.
SprintNitroAccelerationSlowdownMod: The slowdown modifier for sprint nitro acceleration.
MoveForwardMinSpeed: The minimum forward movement speed.
MoveForwardMaxSpeed: The maximum forward movement speed.
MoveBackwardMinSpeed: The minimum backward movement speed.
MoveBackwardMaxSpeed: The maximum backward movement speed.
ImmortalityBuff: Whether the immortality buff is active.
MoveStrafeMinSpeed: The minimum strafe movement speed.
MoveStrafeMaxSpeed: The maximum strafe movement speed.
MoveSprintMinSpeed: The minimum sprint movement speed.
MoveSprintSpeed: The sprint movement speed.
MoveAcceleration: The movement acceleration.
MoveAccelerationInAttackRest: The movement acceleration when attacking from rest.
MoveSprintMinAcceleration: The minimum sprint movement acceleration.
MoveSprintAcceleration: The sprint movement acceleration.
MoveDeceleration: The movement deceleration.
MoveGlideDownMaxSpeed: The maximum downward gliding speed.
MoveGlideDownDeceleration: The downward gliding deceleration.
ThrowMaxDist: The maximum throwing distance.
ThrowingStarFowardThrow: The forward throwing distance for throwing stars.
ThrowablesSpeedFactor: The speed factor for throwables.
FOVCorrection: The FOV correction.
CameraDefaultFOV: The default FOV for the camera.
BulletHitMissEffects: Whether bullet hit/miss effects are enabled.
HideWeaponsDuringSprintDelay: The delay before weapons are hidden when sprinting.
HideWeaponsDuringCrouchDelay: The delay before weapons are hidden when crouching.
HealingMovementSpeedMul: The movement speed multiplier when healing.
NightVisionEnabled: Whether night vision is enabled.
This is not an exhaustive list, as there are many other technical parameters in the player_variables.txt file.

Visuals and Effects

ActiveBuffBarLength2p: The length of the active buff bar for 2 players.
ActiveBuffBarLength3p: The length of the active buff bar for 3 players.
ActiveBuffBarLength4p: The length of the active buff bar for 4 players.
HealthCriticalPPMaxLevel: The maximum level of the health critical post-processing effect.
HealthCriticalPPMinLevel: The minimum level of the health critical post-processing effect.
HealthCriticalPPInTime: The time it takes for the health critical post-processing effect to fade in.
HealthCriticalPPOutTime: The time it takes for the health critical post-processing effect to fade out.
HealthCriticalAnimationSpeed: The animation speed for the health critical state.
HealthCriticalLevel: The health level at which the critical state is triggered.
MaxAutoRegenHealthPercent: The maximum percentage of health that can be regenerated automatically.
HealthCriticalMaxLevel: The maximum level of the health critical state.
DashAndAfterboostPostprocessMax: The maximum value for the dash and afterboost post-processing effect.
SprintNitroStopAngleMoveInput: The angle of the move input required to stop sprint nitro.
SprintNitroStaminaConsuption: The stamina consumption for sprint nitro.
SprintNitroStartStaminaConsuption: The stamina consumption for starting sprint nitro.
SprintNitroMinDuration: The minimum duration of sprint nitro.
SprintNitroDuration: The duration of sprint nitro.
SprintNitroBodyDirLagTime: The body direction lag time for sprint nitro.
SprintNitroCooldown: The cooldown time for sprint nitro.
XrayEffectProbability: The probability of the X-ray effect occurring.
XRayVisEffectRadius: The radius of the X-ray visual effect.
XRayVisEffectDuration: The duration of the X-ray visual effect.
XRayEffectDuration: The duration of the X-ray effect.
EnableXray: Whether the X-ray effect is enabled.
EnableXRayEffectOnAllHits: Whether the X-ray effect is enabled for all hits.
DisableXRaySlowMoLimit: Whether the slow-motion limit for the X-ray effect is disabled.
SlowMoProbability: The probability of slow motion occurring.
SlowMoLastGroupTime: The time it takes for the last group of enemies to trigger slow motion.
GroupOfEnemiesCount: The number of enemies in a group required to trigger slow motion.
DeathEffectFadeInTime: The fade in time for the death effect.
DeathEffectFadeOutTime: The fade out time for the death effect.
PreInfectionPostprocessMaxValue: The maximum value for the pre-infection post-processing effect.
PreInfectionStaminLvl2StartPostproces: The stamina level at which the pre-infection post-processing effect starts.
InfectionPostProcessStrength: The strength of the infection post-processing effect.
InfectionPostProcessStrengthNight: The strength of the infection post-processing effect at night.
ScreamEffectDuration: The duration of the scream effect.
ScreamEffectIntensity: The intensity of the scream effect.
InfectionPostprocessMaxValue: The maximum value for the infection post-processing effect.
NightRunnerAdditionalFOV: The additional FOV during night runner.
NightRunnerFuryEffectValue: The fury effect value during night runner.
ExhaustedEyesClosureEffectStrength: The strength of the exhausted eye closure effect.
ExhaustedEyesClosureEffectStartFactor: The start factor for the exhausted eye closure effect.
ExhaustedEyesClosureEffectFadeOut: The fade-out time for the exhausted eye closure effect.
ExhaustedEyesClosureEffectAdvancedStaminaFadeOut: The fade-out time for the exhausted eye closure effect with advanced stamina enabled.
ExhaustedEyesClosureEffectAddOnAdvancedStaminaDrained: The additional strength added to the exhausted eye closure effect when advanced stamina is drained.
FuryEffectValue: The effect value of fury.
FuryAdditionalFOV: The additional FOV gained during fury.
CameraDefaultFOVReduction: The reduction in the default FOV for the camera.
CameraDefaultFOVReducedSpringTime: The spring time for the reduced default FOV for the camera.
CameraDefaultFOVRemoveReductionSpringTime: The spring time for removing the reduction in the default FOV for the camera.

Attacks and Abilities

DropAttackEnable: Whether the drop attack is enabled.
DropAttackMinFallHeight: The minimum fall height required to perform a drop attack.
DropAttackSearchRadius: The search radius for a drop attack.
DropAttackTargetDistance2dMax: The maximum 2D distance to the target for a drop attack.
DropAttackTargetDistanceMin: The minimum distance to the target for a drop attack.
DropAttackTargetDistanceMax: The maximum distance to the target for a drop attack.
DropAttackMaxAngleToTarget: The maximum angle to the target for a drop attack.
DropAttackShockwaveEnabled: Whether the drop attack shockwave is enabled.
DropAttackMaxFallHeight: The maximum fall height for a drop attack.
DeathFromAboveYDistMax: The maximum vertical distance for the death from above attack.
DeathFromAboveYDistMin: The minimum vertical distance for the death from above attack.
DeathFromAbove2Dist: The distance for the second stage of the death from above attack.
DeathFromAbove2DistMin: The minimum distance for the second stage of the death from above attack.
DeathFromAboveExecuteDist: The distance at which the death from above attack is executed.
DeathFromAboveExecuteTime: The time it takes to execute the death from above attack.
DeathFromAboveJumpMinTime: The minimum time the player needs to be in the air to perform the death from above attack.
DeathFromAboveShockwave: Whether the death from above attack creates a shockwave.
DeathFromAboveWithItemEnabled: Whether the death from above attack can be performed with an item.
DeathFromAboveJumpAvailable: Whether the death from above jump is available.
ChargeAttack: Whether the charge attack is enabled.
ChargeStaminaDecreaseFactor: The stamina decrease factor for charging attacks.
ChargeDamageStaminaMul: The stamina multiplier for charge attack damage.
ChargeAutoReleaseTime: The time for automatically releasing a charge attack.
ChargeHoldDuration: The hold duration for charge attacks.
ChargeWeaponDurabilityMul: The weapon durability multiplier for charge attacks.
MeleeWpnDurabilityMulReduce: The reduction in the weapon durability multiplier for melee weapons.
ChargeSpinCrouchOffset: The crouch offset for charge spin attacks.
ChargeSpinAdditionalRange: The additional range for charge spin attacks.

Environment and Gameplay

MoveSlopeSpeed: The movement speed on slopes.
AutoSlopeAddSpeed: The additional speed applied when auto-sloping.
AdvancedParkourAutoSlopeAddSpeed: The additional speed applied when auto-sloping with advanced parkour enabled.
SlopeMaxVelStruggle: The maximum velocity at which the player can struggle on a slope.
AllowSlopeStruggle: Whether the player is allowed to struggle on slopes.
AutoSlopeStruggle: Whether auto-slope struggle is enabled.
PoleWantedPositionTime: The time it takes to reach the wanted position on a pole.
PoleWantedPositionTimeBegin: The time it takes to reach the wanted position on a pole at the beginning.
PoleMinStartSpeed: The minimum speed required to start using a pole.
PoleOffset: The offset from the pole.
PoleAddOffset: The additional offset from the pole.
PoleInertia: The inertia of the pole.
PoleAngleMultiplier: The multiplier for the pole angle.
PoleAngleUpdateTime: The time it takes to update the pole angle.
PoleHandInfluenceBegin: The influence of the hand on the pole at the beginning.
PoleMoveTime: The time it takes to move on the pole.
PoleMoveWait: The wait time before moving on the pole.
CanStandOnMonkeyBar: Whether the player can stand on a monkey bar.
MonkeyBarChangeRangeY: The vertical range for changing monkey bars.
MonkeyBarChangeRange2D: The 2D range for changing monkey bars.
CanRecieveXPProficiency: Whether the player can receive XP for proficiency.
SprintExhausted: Whether the player can sprint when exhausted.
ExhaustedMoveMaxSpeedFactor: The maximum speed factor when exhausted.
TackleTimeToRegenOnEmpty: The time it takes for stamina to regenerate after a tackle when empty.
MoveSprintStaminaConsumption: The stamina consumption for sprinting.
MoveSpeedFitnessFactor: The fitness factor for movement speed.
MoveSpeedFitnessFactorTime: The time it takes for the movement speed fitness factor to take effect.
SkipObstacleMechanimsOnEnemyProb: The probability of skipping obstacle mechanisms when hitting an enemy.
CanThrowInLookback: Whether the player can throw while looking back.
ChallengeStaminaDropMul: The stamina drop multiplier for challenges.
ZipLineMinSpeed: The minimum speed on a zipline.
ZipLineMaxSpeed: The maximum speed on a zipline.
ZipLineAcceleration: The acceleration on a zipline.
ZipLineMaxAcceleratedSpeed: The maximum accelerated speed on a zipline.
ZipLineAboveSlideEnabled: Whether sliding is enabled above the zipline.
HarmfulHeight: The height at which falling damage is dealt.
LargeFallHeight: The height at which a large fall occurs.
LethalHeight: The height at which a lethal fall occurs.
FallHeightFilter: The filter for fall height.
AmortizedHarmfulHeight: The amortized height at which falling damage is dealt.
AmortizedLethalHeight: The amortized height at which a lethal fall occurs.
FallingHeightToRespawn: The height at which the player respawns after falling.
CrouchDampingWindowTime: The time window for crouch damping.
EnableFallHelperModule: Whether the fall helper module is enabled.
MinTimeBetweenJumps: The minimum time between jumps.
DoubleJumpInOverAndOn: Whether double jump is enabled in over and on states.
CoolodownFailDisplayTime: The display time for cooldown fail messages.
SquirrelSuitExtraGravity: The extra gravity applied when using the squirrel suit.
SquirrelSuitMoveSpeed: The movement speed when using the squirrel suit.
BalanceLineHelperYDist: The vertical distance for the balance line helper.
BalanceLineHelper2DDist: The 2D distance for the balance line helper.
ParkourStaminaSlopeStruggleAdditional: The additional stamina cost for struggling on a slope.
SwimSecondsUnderWater: The number of seconds the player can swim underwater.
SwimNitroAvailable: Whether nitro can be used while swimming.
CustomMoveSlowVersionIfExist: Whether to use the custom move slow version if it exists.
FallDamageReduction: The fall damage reduction.
TriggerUsingIntervalMul: The multiplier for the trigger using interval.
RemoteTriggerMarkDuration: The duration of the remote trigger mark.
RemoteExplosiveMarkDuration: The duration of the remote explosive mark.
AutoTackleEnabled: Whether auto tackle is enabled.
GrenadeBlastIndicatorRange: The range of the grenade blast indicator.
ThrowableExplosiveBlastIndicatorRange: The range of the throwable explosive blast indicator.
NoiseLandingLowHeight: The height at which a noise landing is considered low.
PassiveLandingNoiseLevelChange: The number of passive landings required to increase the noise level.
PassiveLandingNoiseResetTime: The time it takes for the passive landing noise counter to reset.
AutoSlope: Whether auto-slope is enabled.
UseSlopeAnalyzer: Whether the slope analyzer is used.
ValidAutoCatchAngle: The valid angle for automatically catching objects.
AntizineValueToShoUVLightsLocations: The Antizin value at which UV light locations are shown on the radar.
NightRunnerTimeInNightToActivate: The time required to be in the night to activate night runner.
HiglightNearEnemies: Whether to highlight near enemies.
PerfectRepairChance: The chance of a perfect repair.
ParkourActionAutoExecuteOffsetFromCamera: The offset from the camera for automatically executing parkour actions.
StaminaGainOnKill: The amount of stamina gained on kill.
WantedLevelDropSpeedMul: The multiplier for the wanted level drop speed.
ThoroughSearch: Whether thorough searching is enabled.
MapPlayableAreaTeleportTime: The time it takes to teleport to the playable area of the map.
ToxinsImmunity: Whether the player is immune to toxins.
ImmunityTimerShowInterval: The interval at which the immunity timer is shown.
DuckBlockTimeAfterDialog: The time for which ducking is blocked after dialog.
FlyRamMinTime: The minimum time for the fly ram attack.
TreeAmortizerEnabled: Whether the tree amortizer is enabled.
DoorSkylightEnabled: Whether door skylights are enabled.
NagewazaEnable: Whether Nagewaza is enabled.
AnomalyGearEffectEnabled: Whether the anomaly gear effect is enabled.
InvertMovementInputs: Whether movement inputs are inverted.
BlockConsumableUsage: Whether consumable usage is blocked.
BlockInjectorsUsage: Whether injector usage is blocked.
AirTakedownEnabled: Whether air takedowns are enabled.
BlockHealthRegenerationDuringGrab: Whether health regeneration is blocked during grabs.
ManualSprintTimeScaledByMaxStamina: Whether the manual sprint time is scaled by maximum stamina.
ManualSprintEyesClosureEnabled: Whether eye closure is enabled during manual sprinting.
AllowNitroActivationDuringAfterBoost: Whether nitro activation is allowed during the after boost.
EnableFullBodyBalanceAnimationsWhenStanding: Whether full body balance animations are enabled when standing.
ForceChemicalEffect: Whether to force the chemical effect.
DisplaySelectedItemOutfitVisOnlyWithNoOtherCurrentItem: Whether to only display the selected item outfit visually when there is no other current item.
UseQuickslotForItemOutfitVis: Whether to use the quickslot for the item outfit visual.
ApplyRagdollOnCrit: Whether to apply ragdoll on critical hits.
ApplyRagdollOnChargeAttackWhenHealthIsFull: Whether to apply ragdoll on charge attacks when health is full.
ApplyStunOnCrit: Whether to apply stun on critical hits.
TowerRaid_NoTimeToWaste: Whether the "No Time to Waste" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_TimeIsRunningOut: Whether the "Time Is Running Out" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_WorthTheEffort: Whether the "Worth the Effort" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_SelfSabotage: Whether the "Self Sabotage" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_ElementalAggression: Whether the "Elemental Aggression" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_ElementalEndurance: Whether the "Elemental Endurance" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_ElementalResistance: Whether the "Elemental Resistance" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_FaultyProvisions: Whether the "Faulty Provisions" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_WarOnDrugs: Whether the "War on Drugs" tower raid modifier is active.
TowerRaid_ChronicInvincibility_IsAfterOneHitImmuneInProgress: Whether the "Chronic Invincibility" tower raid perk is currently providing one-hit immunity.
InfectedGrabBlocked: Whether infected grabs are blocked.
EnemyAffectedByBurningDamageMulFactor: The damage multiplier factor for enemies affected by burning.

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