Why does this page exist?
I made this page as keeping track of changed stuff can be quite a headache doing multiple stuff so I will update this from time to time, what changed and what I still have to do
Ver 0.0.2 non public build confirmed features aka in development
- Custom js for the font color template, as the light theme fucks it over
- added favicon to the url title
- reparsed some stuff for the base level stuff
- teo's guide reworked will ask bro to make it, better I suck at this
- general performance improved
Ver 0.0.1 non public build
- Have to add:
- Social media icons and links
- reformat teo's guide
- add styling guide
- help portal
- add a page about the wiki
- setup patreon and cofee page
- add icon to instatus page, and for the base url