Editing Modes:
By default, the VisualEditor is the editing mode for all users. However, using the visual mode for certain types of edits may sometimes introduce errors along with your changes to the page.
Source Mode:
Source mode lets you view and edit the raw wikicode on a page directly. For more complex edits, it’s recommended to switch to source mode within the VisualEditor.
Switching Editors:
In edit mode, you’ll find options to switch between visual and source mode at the top right of the page. Once you’re in VisualEditor, you can easily switch to source mode by selecting the appropriate option.
Source Mode Interface:
This section covers how to perform the same tasks found in the Editing/VisualEditor basics but using source mode.
When you switch to source mode, the interface will remain similar to the VisualEditor, but the content of the page will be displayed in wikitext format.
Working in Source Mode:
Formatting Text:
Bold: Wrap text in triple apostrophes ('''text'''). Italics: Wrap text in double apostrophes (''text'').
You can add bold or italics manually using your keyboard, or use the corresponding buttons in the source mode editor. Simply select the text you want to modify and click the bold or italics icon.
Headings are created by placing double equal signs (==) around your section title. For sub-headings, add additional equal signs. For example:
== Heading 1 == === Sub-heading 1 === ==== Another section ==== === Sub-heading 2 === == Heading 2 ==
Avoid overusing headings, as too many can make it difficult to navigate the page. Instead, consider bolding the text to create a section that won't appear in the table of contents.
Numbered Lists: Start each item with a hash (#). Each item should be on a new line:
# First point # Second point
Results in:
- First point
- Second point
Bullet Lists: Start each item with an asterisk (*):
* First point * Second point
Results in:
- First point
- Second point
Nested Lists: Create sublists by adding additional hash or asterisk symbols:
#First point ##One more thing ##Another thing #Second point
Results in:
- First point
- One more thing
- Another thing
- Second point
*First point **One more thing **Another thing *Second point
Results in:
- First point
- One more thing
- Another thing
- Second point
- The same usage policies and guidelines apply when working in source mode.